Grab a hot drink in your favorite mug and get ready to scroll through some beautiful images of some of my favorite sessions, information about any Jenny Spires Photography happenings, or posts about my own journey through this beautiful life!



the weekend.

Last weekend, my husbands Grandfather passed away. As hard as it is to lose loved ones, we knew that he was ready and had lived a wonderfully full life of more than 90 years. This last week, Derrick flew up to Michigan where the funeral took place. He was able to spend some unexpected time with his brothers, which was nice for him, and talk to family that he doesn't get to see often. We've learned in life to take the good with the bad. We've loved and lost and know that dying is a part of life and to live it with the fullest.

At the funeral, Derrick had a conversation with his Aunt, whom had spent the last week with her father. She took Derrick aside and told him she wanted to share something that Grandpa had told her in his last hours. She said that Grandpa woke up from a dream and told her that he had just seen heaven. He said that he got to talk to Sharon (Derrick's mom who passed two years ago) and that he saw Jesus. He told her that heaven was green and bright and felt so warm. Before he trailed off to sleep for one of the last times, he said that he was ready to go. Ready to go to heaven.

I teared up as Derrick told me this over the phone after the funeral. It was such a precious gift given to both Grandpa and the family. There was never a question of his faith and where he would spend eternity, but knowing this gave comfort. And for Derrick it once again comforted him to know that because of his relationship with Jesus, he too would get to see his mom and his grandfather again one day. This life we have isn't everything once we die. There will be more…so much more. During our conversation that night Derrick said that as sad as it was to hear it, it gave him such peace. It filled both of our hearts with fullness of love and hope. Answers to prayers from many praying for our family.

After the funeral, all of Grandpa's things were divided and given to different family members. They gave Derrick Grandpa's Bible. Such a sweet gift. I thought it was neat considering that I also received my Grandfather's Bible when he passed away. Such treasures to pass down.


As I flipped through it, I found a few little things that he had stuck in the old, thin pages. My favorite was this article that had been clipped out of a newspaper on husbands and wives.


Loved the advice that it told and I also enjoyed knowing that Derrick's Grandpa followed much of this in his own marriage. It encourages me to love and honor my husband more and more and to base our love on the love of Jesus.

When Derrick got home this week, he took some extra time to recoup and rest before going back to work. We never ever have days off together, so it felt like such a vacation to just hang out and enjoy each other. So thankful for this man.


These photos are us bumming around the city being silly and breathing out the stress of the week. Thanks to all of you who have kept us in your prayers as we've gone through so much in the past month or so. You all mean so much to us!!!


@jennyspires #jennyspiresphotography


T. 602-799-5294



Jenny Spires Photography is a lifestyle family & newborn photographer since 2007. She is based in the Noblesville, Indiana and also serves the Fishers, Carmel, Westfield, Zionsville & the Northern Indianapolis areas.