Dana (via Facebook): every time i click on my bookmarked Jenny Spires Photography blog my
heart skips a little beat in excitement :~)
Good news Dana! You don't have to push the refresh button anymore!
I've known Dana for the past few years and have adored getting closer and closer to her this year. A slight tom-boy at heart with streak of girliness in her and then add that with a beaming smile that can light up a room, you get a pretty fantastic girl. I'm sure it was a few of these things that attracted Brian to her too. Let me see..what else could there be; she loves kids, is extremely intelligent, she loves baseball, can hack some camping and is learning to love a grown up purse. And then there is Brian. He must love baseball if Dana loves it because she's gotta have someone to go with. The first few times I met him he was sweet and genuine; a gentleman. And he is darn funny.
These two are great together and I have never seen Dana beam more than when she showed me her sparkly ring that he proposed to her with. She's mad about him and he about her. She glows every time she shows me a new plan for her wedding day. She gets giddy every time she talks about her photos, which, by the way is her favorite part. That and dancing with her Daddy and marrying her sweetheart. I love that she is so excited about it all!
Don't they just look like they are fun? They are. Trust me!
Look at him lookin' at her. He loves.
Nothing like asking my clients to lay on a random dirty floor. Makes for great pictures though.
One of my favorites. I wish my house had a front porch like this… I adore it!
They were deciding how we were going to do our next shot and I decided they were pretty cute deciding. So I took a picture.
Playful just like them.
My favorite of the day! I love how it turned out!
A little flarey flare.
She sparkled ALL day long. She couldn't wiped that grin off if she tried!
This one has a little magic sprinkled riiight between them. It's gold and wonderful, do you see it?
A little fun with the spectacles!
I might, just might have more of these that I need to show soon. We had a lot of fun with this large slab of concrete wall!
Cutey, cutey, cute!
Hahahaha! Love it.
So, Dana fried her buns on this shot! I'm so sorry!! You all need to tell me when I ask you to do something that will harm you in the end! Yikes!
I know this one showed up teeny-tiny, but it's still fun!
I made Dana do an awkward model pose (which I don't usually do!), but I still liked it in the end!
I really like this one… don't you?
The end! Enjoy!