Grab a hot drink in your favorite mug and get ready to scroll through some beautiful images of some of my favorite sessions, information about any Jenny Spires Photography happenings, or posts about my own journey through this beautiful life!



Alicia & Tyler | Engaged

I've known Alicia for a couple of years now and I was thrilled when she told me that she wanted me to photograph her engagement! I knew it would be a fun one because of her spunky, cute personality; and I was so right! I don't think I've ever had more fun on a shoot! I actually don't think I've laughed more in a shoot! To top it off, Tyler's personality paralleled Alicia's and it was so much fun to see them together and enjoying the day and it was so clear that these two are ready to be together in marriage. They told me that this was the first time that they'd had 'professional' photos done of the two of them and to give them LOTS of direction. They hardly needed any.. I loved the dynamic that they naturally brought.

We met up early morning at DC Ranch in Scottsdale and we were already battling the Arizona July heat. We had all loaded up with the necessary items to keep cool and we managed to get some awesome photographs despite it. Thanks for being such great sports, Alicia and Tyler!


I'm pretty sure this first one was a test shot for lighting and I couldn't help but love the way Tyler watched Alicia. Sweet, unscripted moment.


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Lookin' studly, Tyler.


Alicia informed me later that she can't do serious photos very well.. I'm pretty sure this look lasted for point two seconds before she cracked a big, gigantic smile.






Another momentary serious look. Doesn't she look hot here! Ow, ow!


……and then laughter. Told ya.


Ha! Ok, this was ALL Tyler. He decided he wanted to choreograph the next shot and took the director position. I'm pretty sure I was crying laughing as they both stood there and I'm not sure if he really expected me to take their picture or not, so Tyler, this photo is just for you. I made it all pretty for ya.

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Love the composition of this one with all the vertical lines and color.


Let's just capture what these two did the majority of the shoot. Laugh. I love it.


So cute.






Scissors… not really sure who won here!


I don't think it mattered :).








Thanks guys for rocking this shoot! It was SO much fun! I can't wait to hear all about your wedding..I'll be home having a baby or something like that!!! 🙂

Love jenny


@jennyspires #jennyspiresphotography


T. 602-799-5294



Jenny Spires Photography is a lifestyle family & newborn photographer since 2007. She is based in the Noblesville, Indiana and also serves the Fishers, Carmel, Westfield, Zionsville & the Northern Indianapolis areas.