This weekend was the first weekend in a long while that I’ve devoted to just me. With two jobs I stay pretty busy, but I always make sure to take care of myself somewhere along the way. In the last several years I’ve found the importance of having balance in how I juggle life. When I feel stress creeping in a bit too much, I put all of my other balls I’m juggling aside and toss the me ball for a few days until I’m able to add the rest back in.
My me weekend consisted of a date night with my husband to the Suns game on Friday (not that we are huge basketball fans, but who can pass up free tickets???)and a morning of watching shows in my pajamas that had stacked up on my Tivo. Last night we invited some friends over and played some board games and hung out. Today I stayed home from all things and journaled, found inspiration on other photographers blogs and flickr. I soaked it all in and I feel ready to get back out there and create and start all over again. Ahhh. So my inspiration for you today is to take a day for you and play. Do the things that make you feel alive and ready to conquer life with a fresh perspective!
My two addictions right now. Coffee and that darned nail biting. I sort of don’t want to give up either. Is that so bad???